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Mango Seedlings Donation and Mango Orchard Establishment for Communities around the Mole National Park Landscape

Promoting biodiversity and climate-friendly economic opportunity that creates decent jobs

Mango Seedlings Donation and Mango Orchard Establishment for Communities around the Mole National Park Landscape

Mango production contributes significantly to the diets of farmers as well as serving as cash crop and most importantly, improving soils and micro-climates of vulnerable ecosystems. Due to its economic and ecological importance, SIBCI identified the enterprise as one to support livelihoods and bolster incomes of surrounding communities of the MNP.
Reconnaissance visits and stakeholder meetings were held with leaders of youth groups (predominantly charcoal producers) in communities fringing the MNP. The communities include Kabampe, Kananto and Mognori.

Farmer from the Kabampe community planting the mango seedlings and guarding it with sticks to prevent ruminant attacks.

In consultation with chiefs and opinion leaders of selected communities, some of the youth groups dedicated lands for the establishment of mango orchards. Land preparation works were done at the sites designated for the orchard. Initially, 600 Keitt mango seedlings were procured and handed to the 3 communities, with each community receiving 200 of the seedlings. The seedlings were subsequently transplanted in the field with a row spacing of 6m and tree spacing of 3m.

Following a monitoring mission, a decision was made to provide an additional 250 seedlings for Kabampe community considering the success of their efforts. The transplanted mango seedlings cover a total area of 12.5 acres (Kabampe – 5.5 acres; Mognori – 3.5 acres; Kananto – 3.5 acres). This venture is expected to supplement the incomes of the youth by 10%, especially during off peak seasons.