Target groups

Women groups will earn premium value and increased income from their Shea products through improved quality and yield because of adoption of agroecological concepts of picking and processing of Shea nuts. Three hundred women will attain the capacity to practice sustainable land management practices agriculture whilst 1000 women and 500 men will be engaged in various green livelihood schemes.

Youth groups will further benefit from income earned from non-timber forest based enterprises and attain the capacity to implement agroecological practices. Five hundred young people will earn decent income from bee farming, raising of livestock and mango orchards.

Charcoal producers will be trained and supported to establish community tree nurseries that will supply seedlings to restore degraded landscapes.

The project will rely on lessons and experiences from the past CREMA activities to revive and create a network of CREMAs around the MNP to promote exchange of experiences on what works.

Hunters will be identified, engaged and organised into groups and trained in other income generation alternatives to hunting (livestock production and beekeeping) to increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods.

Pastoralists will benefit from awareness raising and capacity building on the implications of early burning and best practices in rangeland management.

Farmers will be trained in sustainable agricultural practices to promote biodiversity and subsequently, improve crop yields. They will benefit from the supply of tree seedlings from community nurseries to embark on forest restoration within the larger landscape.

Media houses will benefit from capacity building to disseminate and communicate information on biodiversity to relevant target groups and to disseminate the outcomes of the project appropriately.

Universities will benefit through engagement of students in through the facilitation of social surveys and action research.

The Action will facilitate medium to long-term land agreements to improve tenure security for trees.

Their buy inns will galvanize public support for the project.


Artboard 13

As the statutory managers of the protected area, they will benefit from improvement in business processes and sustainable financing models that will complement the woefully inadequate government subvention. Forestry Commission will benefit from a new protected area management plan, which will require capacity building of park staff in biodiversity and social survey techniques and the use of the SMART software.

The outcomes will contribute to the fulfilment of some of the internationally ratified instruments e.g. Aichi targets, CBD, the Abidjan Convention, the Paris Agreement, CMS and will help meet key ECOWAS protocols.

District Assemblies will contribute to the achievement of livelihood empowerment of the people especially the youth and women.